David Barkin
Canlight,Canlight Property Management,Property Management,Asset Management,Property Management Toronto,Toronto,Property Management Mississauga,Mississauga,Property Management Ontario,Ontario,Property Managers,Property Managers Toronto,Property Managers MIssissauga,Property Managers Ontario,Condominium,Condominium Management,Condominium Managers,Residential,Rental,Commercial Investment,Commercial,Investment,ACMO Managers,ACMO 2000,Property Management Company,Property Management Companies Ontario,GTA,Non-Profit,Nonprofit,Institutional,Real Estate,Real Estate Ontario,Real Estate Toronto,Real Estate Mississauga,Donald Kason,Don Kason,Property Management Services,Services
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email: dbarkin@canlight.com
direct: 905-629-7000 ext 245

David Barkin, BA, OLCM

Senior Vice President

Our industrial-commercial-investment (ICI) expert

David oversees the ICI division with over 25 years of vast real estate experience which he leverages to create value for our clients. With a creative approach, he has been responsible for turning around many underperforming assets.


David’s portfolio consists of various industrial condominium corporations as well as commercial properties.  He also supervises residential rental properties and a mandate from The University Health Network to manage their Parkdale housing portfolio.

David has managed a diverse portfolio including large student-housing, residential, condominiums and all types of commercial and industrial properties. David comes from a family who has roots in real estate for three generations. David brings a background in business to his role, and tackles issues using a much broader perspective than is commonly found in the property management industry.


For over 15 years, David has volunteered on Boards overseeing non-profit residential buildings in Toronto. He is focused on improving the lives of those in communities who are most vulnerable. He was presented with many community awards including the Shem Tov Award from the UJA Federation which is awarded to leaders representing the highest level of excellence in volunteer service in Toronto’s Jewish community.

  • Bachelor of Arts (Pol.Sci. Major), University of Toronto 1986.
  • Ontario Real Estate License Program 1988.
  • Real Estate Salesperson 1988-1990 (Commercial and industrial with emphasis on Retail)
  • David has overseen many significant capital projects including the façade and interior renovation of Eastwood Square in Kitchener.
  • David took a rundown investment condominium project from unit values of $85,000 to $170,000 in only 5 years without a single special assessment.

Lease and contract negotiation; chairing of meetings (large and small); innovative problem solving/creative solutions; strong financial management; strategic thinking to maximize values; developing and implementing marketing strategies.